Thursday, December 1, 2011

And That About Wraps It Up... Mostly...

Yep, I'm leaving. I've had enough. I told him I'd stay until the last day of January (and of course he's claiming that's too soon as now he needs to find roommates and how dare I screw him over like this...)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Heart Breaks

My hearts breaking...

But I know it will eventually heal...

Doesn't make it any easier...

I've lived through it before--granted, it's never had this much involved--house, joint checking, joint phones, joint debt... But I've lived and healed...

And I will again...

It's just gonna be messy for a bit until the house sells...

Monday, January 3, 2011


Everything he says makes me irritated. Everything he does annoys me. Everything he procrastinates on makes me angry.

He refused to request off for one day to attend my family's get-together for Christmas. But he's taking off THREE days for my birthday. WTF?

He doesn't see the problem with this...